Bad games you thought werent so bad at all

Started by Van_Fox, September 08, 2010, 03:41:09 PM

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Ive been recently playing Legendary on my PS3. When I saw it I thought it would be one awesome shooter. Since when have shooters had werewolves AND griffins in them? But like all the time, before I play a game i check the reviews just to make sure its worth it. But the reviews given for this game were terrible. Everyone hated it. Bad story, bad graphics, bad gameplay. I was surprised, it looked like such a good game. I found it in the under 19.99 bin at EB and decided to buy it. And Its not that bad of game. I dont know why everyone dumped on it, the graphics arent bad and the gameplay is solid, not to mention the griffins are awesome to battle. How about you guys? Any games you play that other people have hated with a passion?
Btw, if you dont know what game legendary is, see pic below:

Xen Garden


Really? Ive heard nothing but good things about it

Xen Garden

Alot of people don't like how it's 2D and the cute childish aspect of the game. I personally loved it since it came out 5 years ago for North America.


One of my favorite games is Superman for the N64.


For me, its gotta be puzzle pirates. I mean, its childish, its pointless, the puzzles are easy (mostly)...

But screw it... ITS FUN!

Here is an MMO (I have a love of huge player bases, but I find the grind-to-live aspect of most MMOs, and the target, use skill, find next monster playstyle pointless) with no grind, where you don't sit back and watch your character hit things, you DO SOMETHING, all the time. Sure, these puzzles on their own might not be as much heart-pounding excitement as a good shooter or a RTS, but when you add in the fact that its all teamwork, your working with the others on that ship to make money as a crew, and some of the more meaningful PVP in MMOs these days... and the fact its very easy to play the game fully without ever spending a dime (not that I haven't spent a couple hundred over the years of my on and off playing)... it all comes together to be a lot of fun!

Most reviews I have seen for this game say its a game for kids, with cartoon graphics and easy puzzles... Yeah... I can see that viewpoint... if you over look a few pointers.

The PVP. Most mmos these days (eve comes to mind as an exception, likely thats why I enjoy it as well) pvp is something to earn you bragging rights. You beat some guy, he respawns and you both lol, some, they might even drop some equipment, others, they might lose some skills... In puzzle pirates, an army of players can get together and force control of an island from another groups hands. Massive wars rage across the seas, money is made and lost, ships sunk. Sure, if you want to, you can sit on a navy ship or pillage NPC ships all day long, have fun and make money and be safe, but the game has a huge, cutthroat pvp aspect, that actively affects everything in the game.

The economy. Almost everything, from ships to cannon balls, is player made. Prices change, wars effect supply and demand, a careful investor can make a fortune over night.

Rum! Common, all you need to sail is rum, maybe cannon balls if you want to shoot things... but you gotta have rum! Add in a chat censor that priratizes any foul word said, and a community that doesn't really roleplay in depth, but that certainly stays in character more often than not, and you just have a fun, fun place to be. Its a game where, if you jump into a cities public chat and say Hi, you don't get insulted, called a noob, and belittled by some 1337 pricks, even if it IS your first day in the game, its a fun loving, relaxed place, by and large, and thats something almost no MMOs can claim.

That, and your a freekin pirate, what more could you want?

Screw the reviews, this aint a kids game, any more than cartoon characters are for kids! :P


Used to play puzzle pirates before it was being advertised really, back when Bang Howdy was new.  Never liked that if I wanted to do anything I found fun, I had to pay.  Anyways, other bad games I enjoyed.  NES:  Superman, X-Men, Silver Surfer, Zelda II.  N64:  Superman, umm...were there any bad games on N64?  Gamecube: Star Fox Adventures.  PS2:  Superman Shadow of Apokalypse.  Xbox:  Advent Rising.  Wii:  Can't think of any.  Xbox 360:  Too Human, Kane and Lynch, Blue Dragon, Aliens vs Predator.  Note:  I am only covering consoles I own and not handhelds.  Also, only games that I have heard a lot of bad press about and yet I really enjoyed.  I have plenty of bad games that are just plain bad.

Lt ReiStark

TeenTitans for the NGC. Halo:ODST. Naruto: path of ninja / rise of ninja,
Majora's Mask, C&C tiberian sun, Bionicle, Rayman 2, LordOfTheRings Conquest, Tetris2, and more
Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added



c'mon i know most people hated that game but the castlevania level kinda improved my opinion of it.
...especially after the ghosts and goblins section...


Shadow the hedgehog >_> sush i do like it surprisingly


Quote from: Lt ReiStark on October 06, 2010, 12:37:51 AM
TeenTitans for the NGC. Halo:ODST. Naruto: path of ninja / rise of ninja,
Majora's Mask, C&C tiberian sun, Bionicle, Rayman 2, LordOfTheRings Conquest, Tetris2, and more

5 of those games you mentioned were actually praised by critics lol

Lt ReiStark

Quote from: Van_Fox on October 07, 2010, 08:02:42 PM
Quote from: Lt ReiStark on October 06, 2010, 12:37:51 AM
TeenTitans for the NGC. Halo:ODST. Naruto: path of ninja / rise of ninja,
Majora's Mask, C&C tiberian sun, Bionicle, Rayman 2, LordOfTheRings Conquest, Tetris2, and more

5 of those games you mentioned were actually praised by critics lol

Everyone i ever hear talk about them says they suck. i don't care what GamesRadar or any other "gaming news" site was payed to say anything was good.
Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added


i loved Majora's Mask, its defiantly the darkest zelda game


majoras mask was better than TP imo.
and probably better than skyward sword will be, cause cell-shaded TP link looks weird.
hopefully gameplay is better than it looked in the trailer.

Tony Greyfox

Quote from: Kell on October 01, 2010, 08:13:08 AM
For me, its gotta be puzzle pirates. I mean, its childish, its pointless, the puzzles are easy (mostly)...

Got about five years' experience on Puzzle Pirates myself, but I've kind of lost interest because my flag (Looterati on Midnight, for anyone who's familiar with the flags) collapsed and died, and I rarely ever see anyone online. Which is a shame. I still run a distillery, sort of, and occasionally run out and sail, and have won a pair of familiars randomly in the last few months that I'd love to show off in a crew again. =P I did love that game and had lots of fun with it for quite a while...
Tony Greyfox - writer, editor, photographer, resident of a very strange world

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