Bad games you thought werent so bad at all

Started by Van_Fox, September 08, 2010, 03:41:09 PM

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Lt ReiStark

Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added


Quote from: Tony Greyfox on October 09, 2010, 09:15:12 PM
Quote from: Kell on October 01, 2010, 08:13:08 AM
For me, its gotta be puzzle pirates. I mean, its childish, its pointless, the puzzles are easy (mostly)...

Got about five years' experience on Puzzle Pirates myself, but I've kind of lost interest because my flag (Looterati on Midnight, for anyone who's familiar with the flags) collapsed and died, and I rarely ever see anyone online. Which is a shame. I still run a distillery, sort of, and occasionally run out and sail, and have won a pair of familiars randomly in the last few months that I'd love to show off in a crew again. =P I did love that game and had lots of fun with it for quite a while...

I know the feeling. I rarely play for long. I show up, buy a new captains badge, take a ship out a few times, make a few friends, spend a little money then drift away again. Long ago I played a lot more and had a flag and all that, cared how things went, and have since found that really... the more you worry about the game, the less its good side shines and the more it becomes a game of trying to organize enough 11 year old kids to get a job done. :P

Mikau Seafox

Mario Sports Mix on the Wii.

Even I thought it might be a bad game, but I had a surprisingly good time demoing it at Future Shop with a friend.

The only things I can say can be improved upon would be to add more sports varieties and have the characters unlocked universally.
I understand that scissors can beat paper, and I get how rock can beat scissors, but there's no way paper can beat rock. Paper is supposed to magically wrap around rock, leaving it immobile? Why can't paper do this to scissors? Screw scissors, why can't paper do this to people? Why aren't sheets of college ruled notebook paper constantly suffocating students as they attempt to take notes in class? I'll tell you why, because paper can't beat anybody; a rock would tear it up in two seconds. When I play Rock-Paper-Scissors, I always choose rock. Then, when somebody claims to have beaten me with their paper, I can punch them in the face with my already clenched fist, and say, "Oh sorry, I thought paper would protect you."


good example of a game i thought was bad but the game was actually great was Bayonetta for the 360

i make signatures <3
If you want design from me, respect the work i do, and yes these are my signatures.



That God Awful Wipeout game for the wii.

i swear, if you laugh at terrible physics, people going flying after taking a tennis ball to the head, and glitches galore, playing that game with 3 other friends will make your day.
plus that dancing ball that exists only to entertain you during 30-second loading screens is awesome.
this game again why

Xen Garden

MINECRAFT! Self explanatory for the masses.


I found Deadly Premonition to actually be decent, even though at times it went from survival horror to a comedy at the drop of a hat. Corny dialouge, unfitting music and twin peaks reference abound.

Lt ReiStark

Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added


Quote from: Lt ReiStark on April 04, 2011, 05:40:05 PM
Resident Evil for the PS1
That game is amazing I'm pretty sure it was well rated too it might have obsolete graphics today but at the time it was literally the only reason I bought a ps1 lol


I got that Legendary game for the PS3 as well thinking pretty much the same when i saw it for cheap. It was fun, although my favorite game ever that was rated poorly is Earth Defense Force. Has bad graphics for when it was released, lots of "blood" spray that makes it hard to see at times, and the plot isn't really great, pretty much you get to run around and shoot giant ants spiders, robots and shiny robots. :p

Lt ReiStark

Quote from: AMZinthos on May 18, 2011, 08:09:51 PM
That game is amazing I'm pretty sure it was well rated too it might have obsolete graphics today but at the time it was literally the only reason I bought a ps1 lol

The voice acting was horrible in it so it was the second game that made it popular
Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added


Final Fantasy XIII.
Gameplay was really linear, but the game itself wasn't all that bad. o.o
Story and characters kept me interested (JRPGs are good about that).
Game's hated on a lot for its linear nature and plays-itself battle mechanics. (Which is an exaggeration.)

Star Ocean 4's another game that never really picked up in popularity. It's a fine game, but all people can talk about is the horrid voice acting and the silly character concepts. And that's those who give it a chance, many people shrug it off fearing another SO3, (a game I've never played).

Also, kudos to the person who mentioned Minecraft. Best sandbox game I've ever played. =)

~ Kovu


In terms of bad story and VO: Just Cause and Just Cause 2.

Everything else about those two games were excellent. Gameplay, graphics, and all that were pretty darn good for their time.

Lt ReiStark

Tales Of Symphonia 2 Dawn Of A New World!
I love all the 3D tales games, but everyonewho is a butt hates this one. only thing so far that has pissed me off is the battle system being hard to set to manual instead of semi auto where my character acts like a butt. apart from the main character Emilbutt being a butt i like this game and I'm glad i own it.

PS: yes i like calling people "butts" now :P its much better than some other words...
Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added