Bad games you thought werent so bad at all

Started by Van_Fox, September 08, 2010, 03:41:09 PM

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Quote from: Wula on July 19, 2011, 08:40:47 PM
what a horriable thread. Half the posters are just posting popular games loved by the masses or was good and didn't sale due to piss poor marketing. For half the posters that are actually posting interesting titles. Kudos to you guys.

And so I actually contribute to the thread. I gotta say the only one that comes to mind atm would be a tie between Bomberman 64 (only do multi so unsure about SP mode if it is good) or Advent Rising back on the original Xbox. Even though it was glitchy and had so many game breaking bugs causing me to reset my console CONSTANTLY as I played. But even with all its issues. I toughed it out and did so in a single sitting of that game. Just to be left in a state of depression after completing it and realizing it was supposed to be the first of a trilogy that got canceled.

Someone sure is biased >.>
what we post are not popular games, but games "WE" thought were bad but were actually decent...

i make signatures <3
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H u nn Y

Quote from: Wula on July 19, 2011, 08:40:47 PM
what a horriable thread. Half the posters are just posting popular games loved by the masses or was good and didn't sale due to piss poor marketing. For half the posters that are actually posting interesting titles. Kudos to you guys.

And so I actually contribute to the thread. I gotta say the only one that comes to mind atm would be a tie between Bomberman 64 (only do multi so unsure about SP mode if it is good) or Advent Rising back on the original Xbox. Even though it was glitchy and had so many game breaking bugs causing me to reset my console CONSTANTLY as I played. But even with all its issues. I toughed it out and did so in a single sitting of that game. Just to be left in a state of depression after completing it and realizing it was supposed to be the first of a trilogy that got canceled.

I think you sort of contradicted yourself in the beginning of your post; Bomberman 64 was not only popular, it sold pretty good back then. Simple as that, lol. Then again, a game may be popular to most, but it's each persons view on whether they like the game or not, despite being popular. This thread is to let people put a say on what they thought THEY didn't like, TILL they tried it out, and just so happened to change their opinion about it after having played it. Lol so that does not mean this thread is solely to be based on unpopular games/unknown games/games that didn't sell due to "piss poor marketing". :P
~ Veterinary Assistant Student ~
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No that game is terrible now. XD (somehow I find myself playing it time to time).


Quote from: Roffo on August 29, 2011, 10:26:52 PM


No that game is terrible now. XD (somehow I find myself playing it time to time).

ikr, the game engine is shit, and the kill streaks are severely OP, the anims and hit boxes never line up, causing bullshit kills, and the animations and the actions never line up too, and since they arent improving on the engine for 3, it's not going to be worth paying the $70+ they are going to want for it, atleast halo has complete overhauls between versions



And before you throw shoes at me, it's tolerable when you're rip-roaring drunk, as it's then comedy. With robot frogs.


Quote from: Wrath on September 19, 2010, 02:44:00 PM
Alot of people don't like how it's 2D and the cute childish aspect of the game. I personally loved it since it came out 5 years ago for North America.
yay i love maple story toooooooo goto love the chibi style thowwwww >.<
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain


Quote from: Lt ReiStark on October 06, 2010, 12:37:51 AM
TeenTitans for the NGC. Halo:ODST. Naruto: path of ninja / rise of ninja,
Majora's Mask, C&C tiberian sun, Bionicle, Rayman 2, LordOfTheRings Conquest, Tetris2, and more
i havent played halo:odst but i say clips and i thought it looked wiiiicked
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain


I did consider getting MW3 just to see how the story ends, but after reading in some thread where Activision is already talking about next year's Call of Duty, I decided to save my money.

As for the thread, Gladius. It's a fighting and adventure RPG. When I first played it I had no idea what I was doing, and after a while I got bored and put the game aside. Sometime later I watched my nephew play it, which got me interested in giving it another try and with a couple of weeks it quickly became one of my favorite games.


Final Fantasy XIII. Everyone hates it. I enjoyed it.
By no means at the top of my list, but it didn't deserve all of the hate it took.

~ Kovu


Saw Bomberman 64 mentioned, loved that game as a kid... played it quite a bit really, never quite did get all the gold card things though, but almost did. Step-siblings hated playing against me in multi-player as I won 95% of the matches, would ask for my help in SP quite a bit however.

As for a game that I liked that most people generally hated? Hmm... Oh, I liked Mario Kart 64 though it seems to be regarded as the worst game of the Kart series by a lot of people.


Quote from: Slyther on December 19, 2011, 03:16:57 PM
As for a game that I liked that most people generally hated? Hmm... Oh, I liked Mario Kart 64 though it seems to be regarded as the worst game of the Kart series by a lot of people.
They must be mad! That is the most fun, most playable Mario Kart game ever! I have a friend who I have sat down and played all 16 tracks with over and over again. We have been doing it for 6 years!
...And he still can't top my Rainbow Road time. :3

Hmm. Bad games that I liked?...

Call of Duty 3 on Xbox. People tell me that to CoD fans, that is the worst game of the series... but I played it to death back when my Xbox still worked.

Lt ReiStark

I like DooM, and DooM2, two popular games, but I like DooM3 as well. most people who liked that game never played the first two, and most people who hated it did so because they tried to compare it with DooM 1-2.
So its only half of a flunk game, depending on your viewpoint.
Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added


Farcry 2 i liked that game didnt quite get the story line but i just liked sniping and being stealthy.
I hated that they didnt stick witht he main character from the first one and the same story line Jack Carver i think his name was,
I also love PREDATOR mode in multi-player hunting down guys or being hunted by them that was the most fun i had with that.

i Remember this one time i whent online and played Predator it was a custom map and they had a huge hut Loaded with guns and i got there late,
everyone had a high powered gun 50 cal's,desert eagle's,p90's the works , i get there and they just leave me with the "Blow dart" of all weapons and thats what they leave me with,Ah well ill try adn shortly after the predator fly's in through the front enterence and B lines it for me, im just standing there and everybody is shooting at it and not hitting it i was so scared i paniced and shot a dart and hit him and he whent down and on the screen read "HEAD SHOT!" I threw up my arms in victory and left the game becuase i new that was pure luck.
No wait i totaly do!


Hmmm I liked final fantasy x-2 >.< the story was retarded but the battle system was more fun then most RPGs these days, also why hasn't anyone made another chrono trigger type battle system rpg that would be awesome!!  Anyways what else...

Resonance of fate hasn't been too popular ummm

Quest 64, I was really rpg deprived when it was the only one on the console

Mace : the dark ages

Mystical ninja starring goemon

Bloody roar, god that's a furry game >.<

Pandemonium ummm I'm sure there's plenty more :D

Lt ReiStark

Castlevania II Simon's Quest...
Why do so many people hate that game, its actually good, just not as good as I or III. And if you say the final boss is too easy because you can use holly water, then just use the dang cross or axe instead.
Yeah, why do people dislike the second games in so many of the classic NES franchises?
Castlevania II,
Super Mario Bros 2, [Doki Doki Panic in japan]
Metroid 2,
Zelda 2 the adventure of Link,
Super Contra / Super C,
Commandment#8:Thy Who Hatht Smelt It, Delt It
Commandment#11: Thou Must Drink Dr.Pepper
Commandment#12: If Thy Dotht Not Shut Thine Hell up. I must Striketh Thy With My Mellenium Rod.
Commandment#15:Thy Cake Ist Thine Lie.
Commandment#17: Thine Who Lovith Hotdogs Shalst Recive Haven.
Commandment#21. Liquor up in frontith, poker ist in thine back.
Commandment#27:Judas Preist must be thy boss beating music in RPGs with bad soundtracks for bosses.
Commandment#28:Renamon Dotht Be thy Divinity In Times Of Terror.

more will be added