Does any furry like Mass Effect?

Started by Samurai Kai, May 06, 2014, 12:31:19 AM

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Samurai Kai

Because I just finished the first game, and all I can say is WOW. Incredible game and incredible story, and I had to make some pretty tough choices.

I wish I had gotten into the game much sooner, but technically back then I'd be way too young to even play it! Anyway... I'm going to be playing the second one very soon. It's gotten me to be an admirer, maybe soon I'll even become a true fan. ^-^
I am but a blade in the crowd.

I have seen what comes of those who raise themselves above others.


I think I would like it... if my copy wasn't cursed... everytime I install it I get half way through the game and my computer crashes critically requiring a windows install.  Three times it has happened!!!! Cursed I tell you!

But yeah the halves of it I've played were fantastic  :-3

Samurai Kai

Awwww~! That's unfortunate. No way to fix that then is there? Hopefully something good comes up and you can play it again?

Also, kudos to myself for not spoiling anything. I usually tend to speak about what's on my mind... and there were a few things on my mind then, glad I kept my muzzle shut!  ;D Don't wanna spoil anything for no one.
I am but a blade in the crowd.

I have seen what comes of those who raise themselves above others.


No I actually just reinstalled it while back.... my video card is showing signs of failure...  srsly not even joking...  the universe does not want me to play the game....  also, all my friends were way into when it was released so I pretty much know what happens anyways.


I have the entire trilogy in collectors edition (xbox) and gotta say the feels from that game! all the Feels  :'(

Samurai Kai

Quote from: Choco on June 09, 2014, 11:53:28 PM
I have the entire trilogy in collectors edition (xbox) and gotta say the feels from that game! all the Feels  :'(

I know right? Damn..
I am but a blade in the crowd.

I have seen what comes of those who raise themselves above others.


Bioware shows off the next generation Mass Effect for the first time

I cannot wait for the next one to come out.


Thanks for sharing this too excites me and can't wait for the new one