The Secret of Zelda

Started by Sevrin, March 22, 2013, 12:27:56 AM

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Just gonna put this awesome idea right here.

What if Nintendo made a Zelda game where you played as Zelda, disguised as Sheik, during the seven years Link is sleeping in the Temple of Time?

Aside from Impa in Skyward Sword, there's not much we know about the Sheikah, retainers of the Hyrule Royal Family, and why they all disappeared. And what of Hyrule's "dark and bloody past" in the Shadow Temple? Could the Sheikah and their disappearance have anything to do with it? There's a whole chunk of lore and story and money to be made from such an idea!

-Stealth-action game complete with Sheik's gear and abilities from both OoT and the Smash games.

-Explore the secrets of Hyrule hidden by the Sheikah.

-Learn the ways of the Sheikah.

-Follow Zelda's quest as she copes with the loss of her kingdom, her own disappearance in her people's time of need, uncover Ganondorf's plans, and help set the stage for the Hero of Time's own work.

go sign the petition! do it now!


I thought this was a really cool idea~!
Zelda needs her own game.
Hi, I'm Fleur, I'm good at blushing and laughing and not much else.

"We're not pawns of a scripted fate."

"Each year rings us inwardly with memory and might. Wield your heart, and the world will tremble." <-- FurAffinity

( ゚ヮ゚) ♥


Quote from: Fleurette on March 22, 2013, 03:21:42 AM
Zelda needs her own game.
How could this possibly not be good enough for you?

Anyways, if they were ever to do a game starring Zelda, this is maybe the way I'd like to see it done. However, the stealth bits in past Zelda games have been my least favorite sections of each game. Like in the beginning of Wind Waker on the Forsaken Fortress when you have to sneak past all of the moblins, and they walk so. painfully. SLOW. It just feels like a waste of an hour at the beginning of the adventure (but maybe I'm just sour because they had just given you the sword and took it away from you).
I also wasn't that fond of the Silent Realm sections in Skyward Sword. But that had more flaws than just the stealth.

But my point is the Zelda development team doesn't know how to do stealth, or at least they haven't been able to please me with it (MGS is one of my favorite series, btw, so it's not my taste in the genre!)
I could see them working with Team Ninja again like with Metroid: Other M. Keeping it action-y, but also with a focus on exploration... and have good controls this time around.

So yeah, I'd love to see it as something else besides a stealth game. Maybe a pseudo-stealth game like parts of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, but then have the core game be either action or something similar. Unless they have a more competent developer do it.

The story potential is there in droves though! I won't bother signing the petition however, because these kinds don't work, especially with Nintendo.


I'd love something like this also sans stealth and more just like Link's adventures before Twilight Princess; except not in the horrid age of motion controlled nintendo garbage. the Wii/WiiU needs to crawl in a pit and die as far as I'm concerned...back to basics please Nintendo >_>
"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." – Epictetus


What do people have against stealth games o.o I love stealth games! (thief, splinter cell etc)

Quote from: Shadow on March 24, 2013, 09:20:14 AM
I'd love something like this also sans stealth and more just like Link's adventures before Twilight Princess; except not in the horrid age of motion controlled nintendo garbage. the Wii/WiiU needs to crawl in a pit and die as far as I'm concerned...back to basics please Nintendo >_>
The early stages of motion control are bound to be kinda crappy, it's like comparing modern graphics to 90s graphics. Just bare with it for a while, 10 years from now motion control will actually be good, 10 years from then it'll be absolutely amazing.


Quote from: Sevrin on March 24, 2013, 02:06:40 PM
The early stages of motion control are bound to be kinda crappy, it's like comparing modern graphics to 90s graphics. Just bare with it for a while, 10 years from now motion control will actually be good, 10 years from then it'll be absolutely amazing.

No, I meant I really abhor even having to be truly active or work at playing games to begin with...buttons and sticks are all I need for my gaming and I don't like it any other way...also I doubt I'll still be interested in video games much in my thirties so why would I wait for such a thing?
"The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best." – Epictetus


Quote from: Shadow on March 24, 2013, 08:26:59 PM
No, I meant I really abhor even having to be truly active or work at playing games to begin with...buttons and sticks are all I need for my gaming and I don't like it any other way...also I doubt I'll still be interested in video games much in my thirties so why would I wait for such a thing?

if you won't be interested in video games in your thirties then that 85 year old woman and myself, that plays regularly should quit. 

since i don't do much and people keep telling me to get a life, i would if i could find the store that could sell me a life.  i mean as in "get a life" because playing video games is boring and has no real purpose other than to waste the brain.  i figure it helps to keep the mind active and  hopefully will prevent the onset of Alzheimer's.

now what did you say your name was and why are you on my computer.
1 ton truck available for hire.  contact me by personal message for info


Quote from: tokar on March 24, 2013, 10:54:57 PM
i figure it helps to keep the mind active and  hopefully will prevent the onset of Alzheimer's.

Only if it keeps you on your toes and engages your mind... otherwise its only a step up from watching tv, if you want to play games that will contribute to mental health you should be playing puzzle games and games that involve a lot of movement (like ddr would be a good example of that)


Quote from: Sevrin on March 25, 2013, 06:17:49 PM
Only if it keeps you on your toes and engages your mind... otherwise its only a step up from watching tv, if you want to play games that will contribute to mental health you should be playing puzzle games and games that involve a lot of movement (like ddr would be a good example of that)

who are you and why are you on my computer?
1 ton truck available for hire.  contact me by personal message for info

Giga Bowser

Signed this with excitement! This definitely needs to be a reality. Shiek is one of my favourite characters to play as in Smash Bros., so I'd love to play an actual game as her, plus controlling Zelda and her magic sounds like a lot of fun!


It is an interesting idea. There aren't too many games which handle issues of females pretending to be males, so it could approach some unique topics.   Also, Shiek is like a badass ninja, so that's a good thing, too~

. . .Nintendo kind of has the market on transgendered related characters, with a total of 1 right now I think. It'd be nice to see more about that.
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