Fire Emblem, Anybody?

Started by Fleurette, August 23, 2012, 08:12:56 PM

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I /LOVE/ Fire Emblem?
Have any of you guys played any of the games?
I've beaten every Fire Emblem that has come out in English so far!
Please tell me I'm not the only FE fan here..
Hi, I'm Fleur, I'm good at blushing and laughing and not much else.

"We're not pawns of a scripted fate."

"Each year rings us inwardly with memory and might. Wield your heart, and the world will tremble." <-- FurAffinity

( ゚ヮ゚) ♥


I haven't played that in years. I saw a guy on the bus playing in on his tablet and I'm probably going to look into that.
I've always been told to never look a life behind a window to go outside and join the world, but what about the world behind that window makes the outside so much better?