A new kind of flying car

Started by Jimfoxyboy, June 02, 2011, 03:47:25 AM

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There have been attempts at making a vehicle, typically a car, that can fly as well as drive. Unfortunately, while they did fly alright, most designs didn't always do too well in the markets.

Some people may still remember the big, red, Moller hover car that promised turning our skies into multi level highways. And, then, kind of faded from the limelight when things didn't quite pan out as promised after a few years of publicity.

A company called i-tec has come up with a rather innovative design recently.

i tec, itec Maverick flying car, powered parachute and light sport aircraft


It looks vaguely like the bastard mating of a hiking boot, a pup tent, a riding lawnmower, and a decapitation hazard. Oh dear.


This looks like something that could be in the next James Bond movie.


I would so buy one if its affordable!

Give air rides to people all the way to the conventions :P
Zocan, The one and Only!