Apple Unveils iPad Jan 27th 2009

Started by Some Guy, January 27, 2010, 03:45:29 PM

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Some Guy

all i can say to it after thinking about it, was the iPad has potential, since i looked deeper into why apple used the iPhone OS was to create the bridge for game companies and bigger companies to develop new ideas like Photoshop, Higher end games and such to bridge the connection, right now its left to imagination. which i kinda like now ^^

this device does have potential, i may buy it when it releases to test it out, i will definantly let you all know how it is actually using the device.


Could you imagine playing full on Stepmania (Not that tap tap thing) On this where you actually have to touch the arrows at the top? That would be the ONLY reason I would get this. The hopefully new and creative games that could come out. xD
I've said and done things I regret here, so I just don't do anything instead.

Vanilla Skunk

Quote from: Accophox on January 31, 2010, 02:50:58 AM
Imagine a hospital where every doctor, every nurse, every medical staff member was issued a slate tablet as such. Let's also imagine that these slates actually have styluses (the digital keyboard is still a bunch of fail, as far as I'm concerned).

I found one that's Windows, and designed for the hospital. :P


Quote from: Accophox on January 31, 2010, 02:50:58 AM
Imagine a hospital where every doctor, every nurse, every medical staff member was issued a slate tablet as such. Let's also imagine that these slates actually have styluses (the digital keyboard is still a bunch of fail, as far as I'm concerned).

Well a lot of them already have PDAs actually, they use a program called Davis's that stores all the necessary prescriptions, overdoses, and medical terms you need to know, and it fits in their pocket ;3. My buddy's an RN and she said it should be earning half of her paycheck sometimes.

In medical lectures they already do live sessions on a big screen like it's been done for decades now. I can go on and on and say every little thing but in the end it's the same point I'm trying to make: we already have something that does the job already, and if it's not broken, there's little point replacing it. I think that's exactly why the iPad just won't make sales: there's no market for it.

Vanilla Skunk

Unfortunately, there is one annoying, but very important fact that means that it will sell.

It has an apple logo on it.

There's a whole apple fandom behind the idea too. 

Next thing you know, there's going to be apple conventions where people dress up as imacs, emacs, macbooks, ipads, and robotic tampons, and make one big sex train around the building.

Because, you know, an apple a day keeps the doctor away.