Apple Unveils iPad Jan 27th 2009

Started by Some Guy, January 27, 2010, 03:45:29 PM

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Xen Garden

Quote from: Accophox on January 28, 2010, 03:18:45 PM
Max out the vibrate function ya? ;)

Also edit:

iPad. Bleed Different.

My /b/tard senses are tingling. Rule 34 anyone?


Some Guy

Drake Wingfire

Well even trying to put my un-liking of Mac's aside...

$500.... for what in reality is a combination of a very under powered net-book and a Iphone.

I dunno man, sure its got its gimmicks and im sure the apps and multi-touch will be a saving grace for it, but I just cant see people walking around with a keyboard-less netbook that's gonna cost that much when someone like HP (who I am not a big fan of as well) has had the same kinda thing for years now. A unit with a integrated Wacom panel and is a full function notebook to boot. (yes I know its bigger and not as stylish, but I think function over looks and brand)

I just cant see how this thing is gonna be "win" when it lacks so much power compared to its netbook competitors that also sell for less.


I'm not sure it's necessarily underpowered... if it does exactly what you need it to do. Cortex A9's aren't exactly slow processors. And they certainly own the power efficiency area.

But the only way I would buy one is if it had a stylus and onenote. Cause as it stands right now, it's not what I need. And I imagine that it's not what a lot of people need as well.

Xen Garden

Oonly 1 thing to say about that pic Kithop. Loooooooooooool


Heh heh, that picture is pretty funny. Is the iPad depend-able?

Can't resist the bad pun.

Vanilla Skunk

I rofl'ed, fell off the bed, and kept rofl'ing when I saw the enormous crotch pad pic, Kithop. :3


No multitasking (a feature touted in the very first iPhone demo and easily implemented in jailbreaked devices)
No USB port

No interest.


Another apt one... not funny insomuch as true. :/


I think the only major miss from my POV is the lack of multitasking. Unfortunately, that's a really big miss.


Actually, the 1024x768 resolution of the device is a bit of a turnoff too. It's a 16:10/16:9 world!


Quote from: Accophox on January 29, 2010, 11:55:05 AM
Actually, the 1024x768 resolution of the device is a bit of a turnoff too. It's a 16:10/16:9 world!

Yeah, that's unquestionably a weird decision. I'd rather not have my movies letterboxed on a modern device.

Some Guy

this is one of "The" Most useless devices, if i wanted a touch screen device that does more i will just go and buy an iPod Touch or get the iPhone...

Drake Wingfire

I dunno with Apple recently, at least their laptops had function to them, though really even those you'd get the same "function" just getting the Mac OS and loading it onto a PC anyhow

the Ipad is just one of those dead-end gadgets, like the N-gage or the Virtual-boy both of those were "epic" breaking the norm technology, but they were impractical and gimmicky. in a year or two I honestly think this thing will just wind up in Steve's museum of ego stroking hardons.