New Vancouver Brony event!

Started by Aphinity, June 20, 2018, 07:00:31 PM

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Hey guys,

I wanted to let you know that, thanks to the support of the BCAEA (the board behind VancouFur), it's looking like we'll be starting up another Brony event in Vancouver!  It will be like a mini convention, similar to Howloween, but with the heart of BronyCAN and other pony events.

If this is super exciting to you, as I know it is for me, please drop me a line!  I'm trying to start assembling staff and if you have interest in helping get this event going, I'd love to hear from you!

Drop me a line at aphinity <at> tailslap <dot> com, or find me on Telegram (@aphinity).  I'd love to hear from you!
