Chinese Computer Problem

Started by Prince Dusty, July 22, 2015, 11:35:30 AM

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Prince Dusty

Sup everyone, hi... yeah im having a slight little problem with the new computer i got and it came all the way from China, bought it through Aliexpress. Well the trouble is.. I can't seem to figure out how to scrub adjust the computer display. I want to change the whole computer input display to English it's all in Chinese.

Does anyone here know how to speak Chinese and read Chinese. If so plz help me message me, perhaps a video or pic on how to fix a computer problem like that would help? Thanks guys


that is most likely the operating system. you would have to get an english OS and format/install that. i dont really know though.


If it's Windows you'll need a full reinstall. Use Magical Jellybean KeyFinder to get your Windows activation key if it's not on the product key sticker, download from Microsoft the edition of Windows that's installed, and reinstall in English.
Only way. Yay WinBlows
HULK SMASH! Wait that's not right <.<


If your talking about all the stuff being in Chinese before Windows boots, you may be able to find a setting in the BIOS to change the language.

In desperation you could try to flash the bios with an english patch but that could be dangerous and ruin your computer.

If it's in Windows, your best bet would be to reinstall Windows and you should be able to pick an English setting.

If it's a User Interface that pops up while changing, say, screen Angle, Brightness, Contrast, Size. Then those may not be able to be changed.