42 Night (The night, the universe, the everything)

Started by FurryJackman, May 14, 2014, 08:58:35 PM

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42 night for January is cancelled. Another event Silverski is running is conflicting with proposed dates for this month. 42 Night will return sometime in February.


42 night is to return on Valentine's Day. All are welcome, couples and non-couples.


Thanks to all that came for Valentine's 42 night! Next one unfortunately coincides with the Cuddle Party, but you're more than welcome to come if the person threshold isn't reached for the Cuddle party.

That day is also the Winter Solstice, so you know what that means...


Thanks to all that came to the rather brief but sweet post-Winter Wrap Up 42 night. We may line up again for the Summer Sun Celebration in June, so stay tuned.

Next one is potentially April 18th.


Maybe you should hold your next meet up on April 15, and celebrate the real meaning of 42.


Yeah, we're going off of Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Bowl of Petunias for the win.


Thanks for another successful 42 night!

Next one is most likely May 16th.


42 night for May is canceled. Next one will likely be after the Summer Sun Celebration tentatively scheduled for July 4th.


Thanks to all that came out for the post BBQ after party of 42 night! (especially MikeFurry)

Next one is tentatively August 1st.


August 42 night has been cancelled due to private events and BronyCon AND BronyCAN the same month.

Next available day is TBD in September.


42 night has been delayed another month to October because of Rainfurrest.

Theme for the next one: Deep Fry everything night!

Date is TBD in October.


Great news everyone! 42 Night is back on for this weekend! See FB for details!


Quote from: FurryJackman on March 11, 2016, 03:13:05 AM
Great news everyone! 42 Night is back on for this weekend! See FB for details!
never heard it it, a furmeet?
*dose two circles *


It's like a Furmeet but much more tame, Movies, TV shows, Games, and if you're a tinkerer, there's a workshop right at the location.

Announcements are usually up on the BC Bronies Facebook page.