Cellphones! Your experiences~~

Started by Adaru, March 27, 2009, 02:26:09 PM

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Quote from: DJCoyote on April 13, 2009, 12:56:05 PMYeah actually Telus has thought of that workaround which is what all the Custom Ringtone sender applications both Desktop and on the Web provide. Instead of providing a download link or prompt when you visit the sound file on the browser, it actually just makes a temporary page and embeds a Play button. You cannot download it.
Also, application like BitPim (which hacks the filesystem, with RAZRs case you delete the caches and itll refresh the ringtone repository to include all sound files haha) do work for the most part, but in the case of Telus Samsung Instinct, once it detects BitPim, it purposly formats the memory card and internal memory.

What a fun surprise. haha.

Ugh, that is severely lame. I can't believe (or, rather, I can believe, but it still disturbs me) that carriers are still going to those kinds of lengths to prevent people from using their own media on their own phones.


Quote from: Silvermink on April 13, 2009, 01:15:35 PM
Quote from: DJCoyote on April 13, 2009, 12:56:05 PMYeah actually Telus has thought of that workaround which is what all the Custom Ringtone sender applications both Desktop and on the Web provide. Instead of providing a download link or prompt when you visit the sound file on the browser, it actually just makes a temporary page and embeds a Play button. You cannot download it.
Also, application like BitPim (which hacks the filesystem, with RAZRs case you delete the caches and itll refresh the ringtone repository to include all sound files haha) do work for the most part, but in the case of Telus Samsung Instinct, once it detects BitPim, it purposly formats the memory card and internal memory.

What a fun surprise. haha.

Ugh, that is severely lame. I can't believe (or, rather, I can believe, but it still disturbs me) that carriers are still going to those kinds of lengths to prevent people from using their own media on their own phones.

Yes! I purchased a ROKR from Rogers under their firmware where they had the custom ringtones locked, and even the default MP3 player in the phone.

This is especially severely lame because this phone's main feature is that you can make ANY sound file a ringtone by selecting 'options' while hovering on the track and set it as a ringtone. On the Roger's firmware, the option is there, but it's disabled and greyed out - being unselectable.

So I instantly flashed a new firmware onto my phone. Voiding the warranty, but increasing the phone's functionality!
Don't believe in yourself.
Don't deceive with belief.
Knowledge comes with death's release.


My current cell phone is a Nokia 5610, I must say I am pretty pleased with the phone so far, it isn?t a really high tech phone. It play movies (320 x 240 @ 15FPS) and music (160 Kb/s) has great sound (Separate sound processing chip with eq). The only beef would be the Symbian OS that is a bit slow. Good 3.2 MP auto focus cam with 2 led flash also takes video (640 x 480 @ 15fps). Though there isn?t a flash light program. The reception is good all over the lower mainland. Nice slide and nice interface and easy to navigate.
My previous phone was a Nokia N-Gage, yeah that's right I had a N-Gage. It was the best phone for reception I have ever seen so far. Never have I had a doped call. Basically I got it for playing games like worms when I was board and had nothing else on me. There wasn't a cam, and the sounds wasn't great. The interface was easy to navigate. Though you really don't pick up style points having it. Especial when you pass your phone to a friend so they can talk, and they say to you "Where do I talk into it and where do I listen into it?". Also I almost forgot it is tough, I forgot how many times I have dropped it and still worked and looked perfect, one time it fell off my desk that is 31? off the ground and shattered the glass that I had bellow on the floor.
As for provider, well that?s Fido, there cheap what else can I say. If you want to get help with you phone and they send you to the downtown Fido store, be prepared to wait a while. Phoning tech support there pretty quick on getting a reprehensive  and so far they were helpful and did solve my questions. No problems with them so far.


Actually, now im REALLY angry.

I just found a site called GetJar.com which is a HUGE repository for apps for various phones, including the Instinct.
I found the BOLT web browser, and tried downloading it to my phone.


*slams face against desk repeatedly* DAMN YOU TELUS! DAMN YOU!!!
All i want in life... is life.

PPFFT; hahaha Okay THAT was cheesy.


I have an iPhone at the moment, and besides the retarded amount I pay each month to Fido to have it, I am in love and am never caught without the damn thing. XD

In the past, I've had the Nokia ...5300? The white 'push up' phone. That was neat but it really was poorly made and always reset on itself. Though, it was a big improvement to my previous phone - Motorola RAZR... I hated that phone with a passion. Poor reception, dust would get under the screen with no real way of cleaning it... the keys started to become unresponsive... ugh. When I was eligible for an upgrade from the Nokia, I got the Sony Ericsson k790 - the phone is great, and if it wasn't for the iPhone I probably would still be using that.


Well I am running a Bell Blackberry Curve 8330 and I've found that its insanely adjustable in terms of what I can do with it. I run custom ringtones and everything. In fact I am even running Opera Mini 4.2 without a complaint. Now if that isn't enough App World is getting bigger almost every week.


I have a Motorola slider phone.. it doesn't have a fancy name, like. SLDR or somethin'.

the back panel that is supposed to cover the battery doesn't close properly, so it sticks out.
The buttons kind of stick so texting can be a hassle (and it doesn't have a full keyboard either)
The piece on the front with the logo on it nearly fell off the 2nd day I had it, and is sticking there with crazy glue.
Sometimes it doesn't like to shut off the screen, it just stays lit and burns the battery.
It has dropped a lot of my calls...

Don't get it!  :(
Your wish is mine to twist.


Well, having managed to break my iPhone 3G (stupid crappy belt case), I now have a 3GS, which is very nice. It's a lot faster and they finally replaced the shamefully-bad camera with something half-decent. The tap-for-arbitrary-focus-point thing is pretty cool.


Well yes I upgraded... from a Blackberry Curve 8330 to a Bold II 9700, what a difference! The Bold is fast, lag free and stable. I can be doing several things at once and it doesn't bog down the processor, like it did to the Curve. I still love the customizations that I've done and even the updated non carrier sanctioned OS versions.
O0 8)


I'm using my lg pop right now to write my post on this thread. It is really cool - the unlimited mobile browsing is very fun on the pop. I had a moterolla back than, and had a lg rumor too, cept the moterolla broke.


I've got mixed feelings over my iphone 3gs. It's fast. It does what I want it to do. BUT, Apple just keeps locking it down and not allowing me to do what I want to do with it. Game of cat and mouse with the firmware really. It's got a great repository of apps... if you sift through the steaming pile of shit that the app store has become...

I'm going with an Android phone when this phone dies. I'm content enough to stay with Rogers after I threatened to leave them for Wind (They've set up in Edmonton already, and I'm still sort of debating it...) over the insane amount I was paying on my bill each month - now I've got free rogers to rogers, which is largely useless for me - though it is $15 a month normally, and a $15 credit towards my plan in general, without having to extend my contract any further.

I'd strongly suggest against signing any contract with Telus, especially a 3 year plan with data, especially with the newer carriers opening up... and maybe offering far better plans for cheaper, as the early termination fees for telus are insane - up to $820 + tax.

On my next phone refresh, I'll be buying the phone outright and unlocked, and ditch the contract.


I'm probably going to be switching to Android when my contract comes up, too. I'm tired of being locked into Apple's ecosystem, especially when Apple seems to care more about Jobs' ego than their customers. I just don't feel that I can support them anymore.


I have always loved Nokias. They are tough and have good functionality. My last one, still worked after being dropped in the bucket of water, run over by a car.. twice..., had a horse kick it.. then kick a another bucket of water on it.. Was a great phone, still works too, just got a new one with a new contract. As for the smart phones I like the Black Berry and iPhones, both are really cool however I'd want to get an unlocked smart phone.. so that pretty much means a BB. The BB Storms are pretty nifty.

The one thing that really gets me (besides the locked phones) is that the service/data plans we get in Canada are soooo damn expensive compared to the US and EU. Unfortunately unless the CRTC makes TELUS/Bell/Roger go cheaper we are hooped, because the reason is infrastructure. No one is going to spend the billions of dollars to put new towers in, over such a large area. So any new companies that pop up, will have to lease the Telus/Bell/Rogers towers and pay more so we have to pay more.. Sucks ass :(
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those that don't.



Again, Wind Mobile is launching in Vancouver this summer. Along with Mobilicity.

Wind Mobile might not be cheaper for everybody, but it throws in the stuff that the big 3 like to charge extra for (caller ID, missed call alerts, forwarding, incoming texts... some free texts on top of that to CAN/US...) for free. In their most basic package. Without any hidden fees. Without any contract.

They just ask you to buy your phone outright (70-450 up front, phone selection through them is a bit anemic)... or bring your phone to them (3G operating on AWS/1700 (ie, Google's Nexus One) - using 2G means you're roaming, as that's provided with a peering agreement with Rogers.)


So Wind is using Roger's network? Eh I heard about them, when they launched in Easter Canada.  Sounded good at the time, but a few friends out there said they were not a huge difference from Rogers/Bell.
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those that don't.
