Help Wanted for Convention Master Software

Started by Trapa, June 06, 2012, 12:41:02 PM

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Hi guys,

   So some of you are aware, but others may not be. Over the last 12 years or so I have worked on a Convention software called "Convention Master", some of the conventions that use this software are Vancoufur, Rainfurrest, FC, RMFC, Furry Fiesta, etc.  It is a beast, and i could use some help with it. So i'm looking for a couple of people who want to help out with this project.

    Some areas that I need help in, are;

  • Programming (Many languages including PHP, VB, Python, Perl and Android/IOS)
  • Graphic Design -Creating better looking user interfaces
  • Documentation - Writing support documents, how to installs, and tutorials on how to do various takss
  • AJAX - Helping improve usability
   In terms of pay/renumeration, each person who wishes to help can talk to me directly regarding what they're looking to get out of it. If you don't get a response directly from me here, Instant message me or email me.
