Technology, Entertainment and Design Conference and Podcast

Started by Tef, July 22, 2011, 04:27:04 PM

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I wonder if anyone here subscribe to "TED Talks" Podcasts, that is, Technology, Entertainment and Design, on iTunes? Which talk(s) do you think gave you the most in terms of inspirations and impressions?

Personally, my favourite still has to be "Taking Imagination Seriously". This episode focused on the integration of fish nets of sorts into monumental 3D art. This includes the "Water Sky Garden" sculpture present near the Richmond Olympic Oval.
Yipper yapper yip yap!
Living above the influence and proud.


I've heard of a different Tech podcast called This Week in Tech with Leo Laporte. (He used to do TechTV back in the day, now he has an internet TV station, TWiT, that sorta revives that TechTV feel.)

But a different podcast that gave inspirational talks from big named figures on Leo's TWiT Network is called "Triangulation".