
Started by Acco, June 29, 2011, 11:26:05 PM

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I have it. Do you want it? Just send me your google account email and I'll hook you up with an invite as long as they're available.

If you're just curious as to what it is, just read this:

Invites closed. That was fast >.>

Invites open again, respond via message with address for an invite.


Apparently Google Hangout is similar to Tinychat but better. Everytime I see hangout, I get jealous though.


Hangout is actually pretty amazing. If my entire skype contact list were on +, I'd switch over to it in an instant.


thats the second or third round of invites that's closed. I'm already in, thanks to an animation friend of mine, and I had to wait for this round if invites to open because I'd missed the last one.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, either way you're right.
Laugh, and the world laughs with you. Cry, and the world laughs harder.


Damn XD I missed out


Open again. Read top post for deets.