Internet 'Usage Based Billing' on the way - TekSavvy as alternative?

Started by Kithop, January 14, 2011, 01:23:38 AM

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Oh jeez.  Wish I knew about that sooner - posted a thread in their direct forum to see if they'll switch me over (back? :P) from the DSL they JUST installed. c.c;;;

I'd love to get their 15/1 package, same as the Xtreme-I I had with Shaw, for basically the same price, but.. unlimited usage. C.C;  No. Freaking. Brainer.  Wonder if they can reuse my SB5100 (not SB5102) I purchased outright from Shaw already, and if they'll cut me any breaks for switching back from the DSL stuff.

..that and if they offer any unlimited on the 25/2 line. ;)

Thanks for the heads up!!



Now going for TekSavvy cable myself; We called Shaw yesterday to cancel our Shaw service, and are getting TekSavvy service set up within the week (or so sayeth their representative). Opted for the 25/2 service. The cap on it is sufficient for my purposes, and even if it isn't, the overage charge isn't terribly punitive, unlike Shaw. I'll let you know how it goes.





I stream TWiT.TV all day some days and that is massive... a 1mbps stream would easily take up a few gigs for a whole broadcast day.

Definitely looking into this. Last month's bill already had a $10 overage charge so I'm dinged already.



Drake Wingfire

Oh god, I just learned of this all yesterday from an Ontario fur friend of mine who does IT work... It pisses me off that everything is starting to go the way of pay per use/ usage based billing.. I already try and find the most minimal cell plan for my phone cause I hate getting gouged for that.. which is sad because cellphones have insane potential now that's simply wasted because people took it and made it into one of the worlds greatest money sinks. I will also never touch XM radio systems for this reason too.

Sadly this all reminds me of a few TV show episodes, most notably Dinosaurs and Dragonball GT: They both had that one episode where they would like visit a hotel or something and as soon as they flicked on a TV/ got in bed/ Used the shower a little money meter would start rolling and charging them out the ass for every second. It sorta looks like that's what the future will be eventually.


Breaking News: TekSavvy will reduce caps too (in Ontario and Quebec at first)


Quote from: FurryJackman on January 30, 2011, 06:30:27 PM
Breaking News: TekSavvy will reduce caps too (in Ontario and Quebec at first)

Deeper research reveals that this is only on DSL service, not cable. It remains to be seen where this will go on cable service and what will occur on the west coast. Sidenote; I am seeking to meet with my local MP to outline a few facts and hopefully enlighten a powergrubbing parliamentary seat warmer fine, well-meaning politician about why this whole thing is a terrible misunderstanding with anticompetitive consequences and ulterior motives that those conniving sons of bitches in Bell upstanding citizens in the CRTC erred upon while receiving generous severance from Bell.

Cynical? Me? Why would you say that?


There was no need to cross those out XD This is the net, you can say whatever you like and not get in trouble.




before you switch tech-savvy.... you may want to know how they are linked to the big nom nom monopoly companies like shaw and telus and how you will see your prices increase and/or your bandwidth decrease from 200gigs per month down to possibly as little as 25 gigs per month.

just spreading around some usefull infos.
and this especially effects the way the internet is used fundamentally. how we share information, limiting our freedom to do so. This also limits how much traffic independent internet sites will get. sites like youtube may slow down as you suddenly need to be aware how many videos you are watching to not go over your limit and get dinged money. this kills of creative individuals who may put cool open source material like video podcasts , radio shows, animated graphic novels, television shows, and your general potpourri found on ustream and youtube.

this is an injustice as far as a lot of people are considered. fight back. sign the patition and hope that we will reach an outcry loud enough that will threaten the jobs of politicians. for only if their jobs are at risk by public anger.. they will act in favor of the public.

1 Of 2 Canadian Ruling Forces ISP's Like TekSavvy To Cap Their Bandwidth to 25 Gigs A Month.
2 Of 2 Canadian Ruling Forces ISP's Like TekSavvy To Cap Their Bandwidth to 25 Gigs A Month.

these videos were just released yesterday, jan31st.  while they are just one option... its a frigging good well informed one..
just spreading around some good info.

if you love this thing called the internet.. you should know how much its about to suck for you unless you stand up and do something to stop it.. march1st this becomes law.


Yes, TekSavvy has to use an incumbent's 'last mile' connection, but their backbone is separate.  That said, you're right in that those carriers are (at least back east for now) trying to punitively charge them and drive them out of business with even harsher rates. How this isn't seen as anticompetitive, I don't know, but good news is now the federal Liberals have sided with the NDP and are fighting to get all this crap pushed back and reconsidered.

If you haven't yet, please sign that petition - someone IS actually listening!