Everyone post pics of your DESKTOP!

Started by Ember, January 08, 2011, 04:13:41 PM

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Quote from: Nibi on February 15, 2013, 03:52:24 AM
It's not much at all, I like really clean desktops. I use Rocket Dock which isn't that great but it does what I want it to and keeps everything organized.

Ohhh, that's wicked Nibi. I've always had a thing for colonized planetoids/moons. As well as futuristic cities juxtaposed in natural landscapes... *drools*
I use a handful of this guy's stuff and rotate through it on my Windows installation on my laptop, which is all relevant to the latter bit I mentioned.

Here's what I'm using in Ubuntu on my tower right now. I thoroughly dislike watermarks but I can understand their necessity, and this artwork is just too awesome to ignore for a couple watermarks. In Windows I just use a bunch of random crap; since I do homework/programming in Linux I feel more inspired to boot that up and do work when I have a better looking wallpaper. :V


Quote from: alloud on February 16, 2013, 12:48:29 AM
Ohhh, that's wicked Nibi. I've always had a thing for colonized planetoids/moons. As well as futuristic cities juxtaposed in natural landscapes... *drools*
I use a handful of this guy's stuff and rotate through it on my Windows installation on my laptop, which is all relevant to the latter bit I mentioned.

Here's what I'm using in Ubuntu on my tower right now. I thoroughly dislike watermarks but I can understand their necessity, and this artwork is just too awesome to ignore for a couple watermarks. In Windows I just use a bunch of random crap; since I do homework/programming in Linux I feel more inspired to boot that up and do work when I have a better looking wallpaper. :V

Yeah, it's set to change backgrounds every couple of minutes and it's usually going through my alien/space folder. XD

That's a really awesome background btw. The detail is amazing! :D (One day soon I think I'll put Ubuntu and Windows on my computer)


Necrothread! My desktop on my Dell laptop. Linux Mint 16 RC.


Well, the Dell laptop died a watery death. But thanks to the generosity of one TJBlueVulpine, or rather just because he wanted it out of his damn house, I'm now the proud owner of a ten-year-old Dell OptiPlex Gx270. For an antique, it's pretty awesome. Hyper-threaded P4 at 2.8Ghz, 2Gb of memory, and an nVidia GeForce 4 MX440 (one of the fastest half-height AGP cards to be found). Sounds like a no-go, right?

Ancient computer, meet Debian 7.3. See those specs? Yup.

Then I got adventurous and this happened. This was screencapped logged into Mervatude's server. That's TJ's Canterlot palace. And it's pulling a solid 15-20fps. Not fast, but not unplayable.

So there you are. Old computers can still be useful.  O0


Just a reminder that some of these images are way too big for inline.

Current proposal for an official policy is http://www.bcfurries.com/forum/index.php?topic=3341.msg102018#msg102018


I use slide show for my desktop background so there are a LOT of them but I'll post some of my favorite screen shots that I use....

http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198092200560/screenshot/56610113824315819 (from Outlast)

http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=268156876 (from Skyrim, took this one on someone else's account because family share doesn't reallywork with Skyrim/SKSE)


for(int i; i < limit; i+980t[q4


The Dell desktop, celebrating it's 12th year going. Had to ditch the Nvidia card as it was dying, leaving me with an Intel 865G chipset onboard controller. 8Mb of video ram! So yeah. Debian Wheezy again, but I've been warming up to KDE.



I've heard that fact, that is you eat more than six bananas it will kill you.
I saw a bowl with seven bananas in it and I thought, "That's dangerous."


So actually had to go to photobucket for this
really really large picture ahead
I have a daemon, so you might only get  half the conversation.

Local mustelid cladotherian

Sexuality: it's complicated

MtF Trans

Xen Garden



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