Iphone help

Started by Blazingfoxx, June 06, 2010, 05:09:13 AM

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Anyone have a iphone that knows how to transfer music from your itune library to your iphone...
I try dragging music files from my itunes library to my iphone but it wont go into the iphone its always not syncing in like its got some kind of lock on it.
Im not very tech smart in fact i can hardly keep up with new technology l3


The iPhone has to have been set up on that computer specifically; if I remember right, it's not like the old iPods where you could plug them into multiple computers and manually copy music to them from all of them.

One more reason I hate the iPhone, personally, despite having had the 1st-gen one for over a year for work.. :p  Anyway, if you're just setting this up for the first time, you'll need to do a restore on the iPhone while it's hooked up to the computer you want to sync it to.  It will completely wipe the phone blank as if you were taking it out of the box for the first time, and then you go through the setup process to basically 'bind' it to that copy of iTunes.

If you have a jailbroken/rooted phone (and if you don't want to be locked into just using Apple's über-locked-down store, you should), of course, don't use the standard iTunes restore, ever; always use PwnageTool or whatever the heck the current tool(s) are called now, otherwise you could irreversibly lock your phone back to Apple-only apps.


wow damn... i officially hate my iphone now lol


I hear the new Androids are the best on the market... Google is taking everything over :P
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those that don't.



Yup. :p  I have an HTC Dream (aka the G1) with Cyanogenmod 5.0.7 currently; it's running Android 2.1 'Eclair', the until-very-recently latest software that's on the new phones like the Nexus One.  They're probably going to backport the new 2.2 'Froyo' as well. n.n

If Google puts out a sweet 'Nexus Two' style thing with a hardware keyboard, I'll probably be all over it.  I literally just check a box in the preferences and it lets me install whatever 3rd-party apps I want, even right from the web browser. :p


wow.. Kithop, I can appreciate you're attempting to help, but I'm afraid most of what you suggested is not the best course of action.  Sadly, you made the device seem VERY incapable when it.. well, is quite capable of this.  I'm glad you like other products, but please, if you're not sure, it's best to suggest so, instead of suggesting that the iphone sucks and android is better.

Blazingfoxx, to will need to setup your iphone to accept music from your machine before you can manually add songs to it.  You do this by clicking on the iPhone icon on the left side of your iTunes screen, then clicking the 'music' tab that shows up in the main iTunes window.  There, you will have the option to copy music to your iPhone either by playlist, artist, album, or manually.  Manually will allow you to drag songs over like you are trying to do.  Once selected, click the "apply" button at the bottom right and a sync will start.

To manually drag songs over once you've set this, find the song, album, or playlist in your itunes and drag the icon on top of your iphone's icon on the left.

By the way, instructions for doing this are really easy to find:  http://support.apple.com/kb/ht1351

You can also sync things like your contacts, calendars, movies, photos, and other items in this fashion, although you can't necessarily drag and drop them in the same fashion as music. 

I hope this helps!  I love my iPhone and have no problem saying it kicks the ever loving crap out of any android for anything I've ever seen.




lololol too late i traded in my Iphone with someone for a Samsung rogers keyboard flip phone its pretty cheap for a phone i guess but its basic i only enjoyed my iphone as a replacement for a more large storring ipod  and the free wifi internet hacking option thingy...
im going to be getting a ipod shuffle for 60 maybe also so i can indulge more on my crack


Oh, ok..

Well, you're welcome.

Quote from: Blazingfoxx on June 08, 2010, 02:37:12 AM
lololol too late i traded in my Iphone with someone for a Samsung rogers keyboard flip phone its pretty cheap for a phone i guess but its basic i only enjoyed my iphone as a replacement for a more large storring ipod  and the free wifi internet hacking option thingy...
im going to be getting a ipod shuffle for 60 maybe also so i can indulge more on my crack


Drake Wingfire

ahh brand favoritism, it goes two ways :D or was it same way just different names? XD


Quote from: Aphinity on June 09, 2010, 12:52:17 AM
Oh, ok..

Well, you're welcome.

ya appreciate the info though x3


Just FYI, this is exactly what I was running into with my old iPhone, and a nice howto on how to trick iTunes into sharing the same library ID as another computer:


I had a 1st-gen iPhone for over a year for work, up until around the time the 3GS came out.  I've jailbroken and rooted multiple different generations, including unlocking them to work with alternate carriers overseas.

Aphinity, I'm not trying to start a flame war, I'm trying to provide accurate information.  If he was getting the message above saying it was synced to another library, it's time to either hack iTunes, or if he doesn't need to sync w/ multiple computers, wipe and restore so it's properly set up for one computer (typically something you need to do when you buy them used).

I have personal, first-hand experience with both iPhone OS 3 devices and Android devices.  I like to get into the guts of things, and Android is far, far superior in that regard.  That said, it's not for everyone, and if you really like Apple's system, go for it.  Personally I vehemently hate what Apple's made of themselves, but that comes with first-hand experience of the different issues that can arise, so I'm perfectly entitled to that opinion.

Until you've used an Android 2.1+ phone for over a year just like I did with the iPhone, to put it bluntly, you don't have any room to talk, dude. :)  Just like as much as I'm leery of Microsoft, I'm not going to bash their latest WinMo offering or Palm's WebOS until I've had chance to try them properly.

That said, all of this is moot as he's changed phones anyway.


I think the iPhone's (mostly) a great device, but I can't support Apple anymore - their policies and actions have just left me cold. I'll be switching to Android as soon as it's financially feasible for me to do so. I've never been happy with the locked-down nature of the iPhone platform or the way it binds users and developers to Apple's whims.

I've been using the iPhone for a couple of years now (3G for a year, 3GS for a year), so I pretty much know what I'm talking about. :)


*puts his apple certification on the table and then tucks it into his desk again*  Sorry, I guess I don't know what I'm talking about.

No, he doesn't have to wipe the iPhone to enable his ability to sync music.  He would have to wipe the existing music, yes, but that's all.  He never mentioned the need to sync between two libraries.

Kithop, if you're not starting a flame war, then please don't.  It sure sounded like one.  Let's both walk away and know that we both like our phones and leave others to decide for themselves :)

Quote from: Kithop on June 09, 2010, 09:11:39 PM
Just FYI, this is exactly what I was running into with my old iPhone, and a nice howto on how to trick iTunes into sharing the same library ID as another computer:


I had a 1st-gen iPhone for over a year for work, up until around the time the 3GS came out.  I've jailbroken and rooted multiple different generations, including unlocking them to work with alternate carriers overseas.

Aphinity, I'm not trying to start a flame war, I'm trying to provide accurate information.  If he was getting the message above saying it was synced to another library, it's time to either hack iTunes, or if he doesn't need to sync w/ multiple computers, wipe and restore so it's properly set up for one computer (typically something you need to do when you buy them used).

I have personal, first-hand experience with both iPhone OS 3 devices and Android devices.  I like to get into the guts of things, and Android is far, far superior in that regard.  That said, it's not for everyone, and if you really like Apple's system, go for it.  Personally I vehemently hate what Apple's made of themselves, but that comes with first-hand experience of the different issues that can arise, so I'm perfectly entitled to that opinion.

Until you've used an Android 2.1+ phone for over a year just like I did with the iPhone, to put it bluntly, you don't have any room to talk, dude. :)  Just like as much as I'm leery of Microsoft, I'm not going to bash their latest WinMo offering or Palm's WebOS until I've had chance to try them properly.

That said, all of this is moot as he's changed phones anyway.
