Most epic bit torrent of all time.

Started by Ravenwood, April 05, 2010, 05:48:05 AM

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Size: 157.0 GB

Started on June 3, 2006, and still going.

Description:    Everything.

Quotesimply, every dojinshi, manga, anthology, collection, that I have.
Organized somewhat and labled to the best of my ability. If the titles dont make sense, its because:
thats the name I found it with, I scrounged for any engrish I could find, I made stuff up, I dont care, etc.

This torrent includes all 33 Hentai Encyclopedias as well as the 4 current Giga Hentai Encyclopedias. I guarentee
that there will be something here that you haven't seen before or your money back.

A 157 Gigabytes of Hentai manga.

A hundred and fifty-seven Gigabytes.

That's 34 DVDs.

The .torrent file alone is 2.4 MB  (Normal size is 30KB or so)

The comments are awesome.

QuoteLet\'s hope this does not destroy the Internet, 06/06/06 is awfully near

OH MY GOD!  I hate my 30Gb-per-moth limit!

There is no greater torrent. Must be seeded for all time.

I think you broke my penis.

can someone rapidshare this?

there is not enough sperm in a man's life to fap to all of this.

This is enough Hentai to last us 20years of porn, without the internet. And/or a social life.


Yeah that is a huge torrent, lol, I love the comments, those are win.

Though I DL 1 anime ep (170 MB) way back, and it took me just over a week. The reason being, it was back when all I had was 56k. It would probably take me less time to DL that 157.0 GB torrent now. :D


Quote from: Ravenwood on April 05, 2010, 05:48:05 AM

Started on June 3, 2006, and still going.

Oh my started that long ago!? How much have you downloaded so far. . ? O_O