Looking for windows XP pro Disc with SP2 or SP3 (just need a disc)

Started by tynan_fay, March 24, 2010, 02:23:54 AM

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Any way after upgrading my computer and giving my chichi my old motherboard and hard drive I went to formatt the Hard drive and found out that I cant use my windows XP (not even sp1) disc to formatt it because some thing with the mother board wont work with out having SP2 or higher, So im wondering if there is any one that has a copy of windows Xp pro sp2 or higher, I just need a copy of the disc or some thing or I could even have the data for the disc Emailed to me or some thing along those lines. If any one can help that would be great.

Vanilla Skunk

I have one.

Also, there's a way you can slipstream a service pack into a copy of windows yourself.  I've had to do this a couple times.