Computer part sources

Started by Tony Greyfox, January 31, 2010, 07:45:01 PM

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Tony Greyfox

I'm debating updating my desktop sometime soon, to get something that can run relatively new games without the electronic analogue of sobbing in anguish. My first option is to look for a pre-built, but so many of the ones I see out there have onboard graphics or elderly cards. I'd like to look at the option to pick up the components and build one that fits my needs as well. So I'm curious - where do you computer-savvy folks out there get your computer parts? Do you order online or are there spots locally that would be good for price and availability?

(Bear in mind my computer construction skills are moderate at best. =P )
Tony Greyfox - writer, editor, photographer, resident of a very strange world

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Acco <- vancouver based, and definitely some of the best prices in canada. catch their sales. newegg in the us, but newegg has prohibitively expensive shipping costs.


I'll vouch for ncix the folks there really know their stuff.


Yes I vote for NCIX, I do most if not all my computer part shopping at NCIX (Richmond store). The best thing also is you can price match. So as long as you can find a cheaper price in Canada and they have it in stock, price match it. They will usual do it till you hit the at cost price, because the won't usually go beyond that. Oh and they usually won't PM (Price match) if there is a MIR (Mail in rebate) that NCIX is offering.

What is the current rig that you have now? I can help you with some suggestions.


+1 for NCIX, though I would order online first and then pick it up there. Their service for actually buying stuff in-store is pretty terrible.


Looks like it's already been said... XD

Aside from avoiding Future Shop/Best Buy and their ilk like the plague, the only other place I had problems with long ago was ATIC.  Tons of improperly handled gear that needed RMAing (woman handing out RAM DIMMs without anti-static bags, in a wool sweater.

Dunno if ATIC even exists any more, but NCIX all the way.


lol, Atic, yeah they moved to another store just further down Bridgeport road. They still are the same though. Though that was years ago.

Tony Greyfox

Wow, unanimity. On a furry board. I may faint. *g* Thanks for the tips, guys, that sounds like a good plan when I get around to this.

Tai: My current machine is a Frankenbox with parts that range from two to about seven years old. The big HD is about the only piece that would move to a new box, and that because it's got all my music on it. =P

So for a casual gamer who's looking to be able to play stuff like TF2, SL and Arkham Asylum, as examples, what would you all suggest for a processor/mobo/video card combination? I should be able to figure out the rest beyond that.
Tony Greyfox - writer, editor, photographer, resident of a very strange world

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Well. I always start off saying. What is your budget? This way I know what I have to work with.

Drake Wingfire

Another vote for NCIX, as for parts, I would go for MSI, the shop I work at uses their boards and they are really good quality for your buck. though they arnt any high end gaming-geared board but they do well all the same.

Vanilla Skunk

By the way, if you need a hand...

*starts clapping*

Tony Greyfox

*snerk* Thanks, Felix.

Tai: I want to keep the price down as much as I can - most of what I'll be doing on this thing is basic net stuff and photo work, maybe some video stuff now and again. I haven't set a specific budget, but under $900-1000 at the very top end is where I'd like to be.
Tony Greyfox - writer, editor, photographer, resident of a very strange world

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Quote from: Tony Greyfox on February 02, 2010, 08:57:01 PM
*snerk* Thanks, Felix.

Tai: I want to keep the price down as much as I can - most of what I'll be doing on this thing is basic net stuff and photo work, maybe some video stuff now and again. I haven't set a specific budget, but under $900-1000 at the very top end is where I'd like to be.

Yeah I should be able to give you a good list of stuff that is good for that rang. Just give me a some time to whip something up. Also if you need help I can also lend a hand.


I concur, NCIX is probably the best place in the GVRD to get PC parts. Just wait for their sales and you are golden!.. or tan.. or whatever your fur colour is :3
There are 10 types of people in the world, those who understand binary and those that don't.



NCIX is great but i would also recommend i think is what it is, they are located in Calgary/Edmonton most of the time things are very close between NCIX and memory, but there is usually some fluctuation in price.  In other words sometimes you can get cheaper stuff if you shop between the two.
"Even an angel can end  up fallin' dont you cry because your crawlin' start again, its a beautiful morning for satellites"