Monthly Banner Request Thread V2 (ALL CREATIVE FOLK WELCOME & NEEDED!)

Started by Temrin, April 05, 2016, 01:59:06 PM

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We've got the rest of November AND December left for this year! We'd love to see some new work up as the banner if anyone is interested. (It can even be old work if you'd like!)

Drawings, photo's, sculptures, etc! We'd love to see it as long as it follows the rules of the site :)


2018 starts soon so get your banners ready! 2019 has also been added to the list!



Quote from: ShadowsMyst on July 28, 2017, 11:19:04 AM
Hi, here's the Vancoufur banner for August.

Also, can Vancoufur get Jan 2018, and August 2018 again?

here's the image for August 2017:

Hey ShadowsMyst! Haven't heard anything about the VancouFur ads for this month. Let me know if you still want to put something up. :)


Calling all artists and events! We want to showcase your stuff on the top right banner of the site!

Info on the first post!


Hey Temrin, Can VF get the Banner slot for Oct 2018 and Jan 2019? I can provide a gif.
VF2019 Communications Exec
~~++ I have webcomics - and


Quote from: ShadowsMyst on September 12, 2018, 02:21:35 PM
Hey Temrin, Can VF get the Banner slot for Oct 2018 and Jan 2019? I can provide a gif.

Sure thing! Feel free to DM or just comment here with the gif/link. :)


if I submit a banner for an event that says "click for details", can it be made to link to a post here on the forums?


Quote from: LinuxPony on September 19, 2018, 09:36:52 PM
if I submit a banner for an event that says "click for details", can it be made to link to a post here on the forums?

Unfortunately the banners aren't linked, hense why you can't click on howloween's ad right now to get more info. You can have the URL on the ad however. If it's too long just use a URL shortener and use that.

Let me know what months you'd like off the first post list.


Ak, sorry I didn't get this up sooner, dealing with funerals and things. Let me know if there's any issues.
VF2019 Communications Exec
~~++ I have webcomics - and


Quote from: ShadowsMyst on October 03, 2018, 09:01:56 PM
Ak, sorry I didn't get this up sooner, dealing with funerals and things. Let me know if there's any issues.

No worries! Thanks! :D I'll pass this on to Rain Rat to get up. ^_^