
Started by Ravenwood, October 24, 2009, 10:45:10 PM

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Admin, now there's no need to guess
I said, Admin, a new IP address
I said, Admin, for your brand new PC
There's no need to cause a conflict

Admin, there's a place you can go
I said, Admin, when you really don't know
Free addresses, only look and you'll find
In the TCP dialog

The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
It says "Obtain an IP
Address automatic'ly
It will give you one that's free"
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
You can set up a lease
You can make it timeout
If you know just what you're about

Admin, Are you listening to me?
I said, Admin, but your DHCP
Needs a server, if you're using NT
It can be your main fileserver

Admin, please don't think you're a jerk
I said, Admin, just because it don't work
When you boot up, you can't see the network
(have you checked the network cable)

The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.

So right-click right on
The network neighbour icon
Check it out now before I'm gone

The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.

Now you don't have to choose
What IP address to use
You can lose all the network blues

Admin, I was once in your shoes
It said, this one is already in use
IP conflicts made the whole network crash
The whole setup was a mishmash

That's when someone came up to me
And said Admin there's a service you need
On your server: it's called D.H.C.P.
You can get it sorted neatly

The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
You don't need a diskette
And your gateway is set
If you access the internet

The one to set up is D.H.C.P.
The one to set up is D.H.C.P.

Admin, Admin, there's no need to feel down
Admin, Admin, don't throw it down on the ground
Just set up the D.H.C.P.
Admin, Admin, I was once in your shoes
That IP address was already in use