What are some good and cheap wireless mice?

Started by Kitsuneshukko, July 04, 2015, 07:41:41 AM

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I could be looking at reviews on Amazon or go into my local store at ask, but generally nether of those tend to be really helpful. I'm currently using an older laser based wired mouse that's slowly dying on me and I want to switch over to wireless. It's been awhile since I last used a wireless mouse (I had one that I used for years, never broke but it just vanished one day so I think I might have lost it in a move one year..?) and I'm just looking for opinions on various different kinds. So if you have any suggestions based on experience it would be great!

I'm not looking for anything for gaming purposes, just something casual so I don't have to spend a ton of funds but just the same nothing that is going to seem like a cheap deal only to fall apart soon after.

Any suggestions?


i dont remember the model type, but logitech has a pretty good line of wireless mice for cheap, or at least fairly priced, ive had mine for a few years now and other than changing batteries it still works great


If you can order from online, I'd suggest:


Super cheap. Can order some 3 wicked wireless mice for about $10.

Most of them should work pretty good.
if not,
Most shelf electronics are shit anyways. They'll most likely work out of the box, but they're not designed to last.

[except Logitech, like Kuran said. I used to have some Logitech equipment that the plastic was cracked and colored from age but still worked great! that was a long time ago though. I bought a external DVD drive, Logitech, about 5 years ago and it broke in 2/3.]